Even if it’s rotten, it’s still first love.

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Even if it’s rotten, it’s still first love. 0 (0)
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A romantic comedy about a cross-dressing girl and her favorite couple! Spring, first year of high school. A shocking encounter awaits — June, first year of high school. Fujiyoshi Yukari stands at the gates of a "boys' school." Right now, he is about to pass through those gates as a high school boy. …Even though she's a girl!!!! The reason she took the risk and came to an all-boys school was for her favorite couple (male x male)!!!!A romantic comedy about a cross-dressing girl and her favorite idol. A mysterious shadow creeps up over Murasaki… Murasaki (a girl) has completely settled into her daily life at an all-boys school. While her love for her favorite couple is growing healthy, the boys in her class are looking at her with devilish looks on their faces… why!? Nevertheless, with the supply of favorite couples (at amusement parks, school festivals, etc.), Murasaki's satisfaction is steadily increasing ☆ Bravo ☆ Her life is going smoothly. …Or so you might think…
男装女子×推し活ラブコメ! 高1、春。衝撃の出会いが待っていた―― 高校1年生、6月。「男子校」の門の前にいるのは、藤吉紫。まさに今、男子高校生としてその門をくぐろうとしていた。……女子なのに!!!! 彼女がリスクを抱えてまで男子校に来た理由、それは。推しカプ(♂×♂)のため!!!!男装女子×推し活ラブコメ 紫にしのびよる怪しい影――…? 男子校での日々もすっかり板についてきた紫(※女子)。推しカプへの愛も健全に育っている中、同クラの男子が鬼の形相でこっちを見ている…なんで!? とはいえ、推しカプ(in遊園地・学園祭etc)の供給もあり、紫の満足度もどんどん上昇中☆ あっぱれ☆ 順風満帆な彼女の人生。…と思いきや…?
